- Category: Decennial
- Hits: 2544
IX Decennial - Year 1945
The festivals of Decennial took place from 16 to 23 of September, despite the war period.Mons. Archpriest of Fonzaso attended at the opening of religious service.
The arches were built mainly along San Rocco, about ten, all beautiful, made by wood poles coated with musk. Youth, in the meadows, built a replica of the Eiffel tower, high 22 meters.
The Procession took place without any problems, but with a great number of people, they reports 20.000, with the presence of Bishop of Padova and of priests from neighboring parishes at the Diocese of Feltre-Belluno.
Confirmation of decorations of Angelin Dalla Giustina in the Church and outside.
The festival took place the third Sunday of September.
Parson: Don Luigi Spadarotto